Brief Intro to the 4 Attachment Styles

Have you heard about attachment styles on social media? Did you watch a Tik Tok video and feel unsure which applies to you? They are currently one of the topic tending topics regarding mental health on social media. Here are a few quick notes about attachment styles that may help you understand not only yourself, but your partner as well.

Types of Attachment Styles:
1.) Anxious Attachment (also known as Preoccupied)
2.) Fearful-Avoidant Attachment (also known as Disorganized)
3.) Avoidant Attachment (also known as Dismissive)
4.) Secure Attachment

Someone anxiously attached may feel insecure. They often check their partner’s location or text messages. They typically struggle with boundaries and may have been called “sensitive” in the past.
Someone with a fearful/avoidant attachment may struggle with self-esteem. They have trouble trusting and relying on a partner to show up for them in the way they need. They have a fear of rejection from a potential partner.
Someone with an avoidant attachment struggles with commitment and vulnerability. They avoid emotional intimacy at all costs and often guard their heart, appearing closed off.
Lastly, someone with a secure attachment has healthy boundaries. They don’t avoid conflict, but welcome it and the resolution that comes from it and a healthy dialogue. Their relationships are built on mutual trust and respect.

If you find you fit into one of the first three categories, you may find the book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents” helpful in developing further understanding of yourself, your family, and your childhood.
In addition, if you want to do further work in identifying if there are an unhealthy dynamics and begin work to overcome them, feel free to reach out - 469 373 2874.


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